Monday, September 2, 2013

"Sing in me, muse..."

Fact: we all are different. There are not two of us that are exactly alike, even if we have similar interests.

When looking further into the Nine Muses (thank you Wikipedia), I couldn't help but notice like characteristics in myself and others close to me. This discovery wasn't necessarily a surprise; after all, I did ask any one of the Muses to inspire me to write something interesting and perhaps even amusing. 

It seems as though the further I went down the Muse Lineup, the more their specialties and traits overlapped. Which makes sense, since we as beings might be passionate about a sole subject, lifestyle, or purpose…but are ultimately made up of multiple interests of various degrees. For instance, I found myself identifying with Calliope mostly because of my writing habits and love of literature. However, at times I could also see the serious and pensive traits of Polyhymnia in my behaviors or even the upbeat and musical traits of Euterpe. The list certainly does not end there, and I suppose I could find parts of all nine of these lovely ladies in my personality and actions at one time or another.

I'd be very shocked if someone said they couldn't relate to any of The Nine. I mean, come on. We all have that Terpsichore in our lives: the multitalented musical friend that has tunes and beats oozing from their pores. Or an Erato that has members of the opposite sex pining after them, a Clio chasing enough men to make anyone blush, a Melpomene dressed in death and tragedy but seeming surprisingly upbeat. 

So here's to calling on all Nine Muses throughout the semester, for whatever we might need. Maybe you will continue to use them for the year, next, or over the course of your life!

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