I've certainly been busy.
But not only with school, although I'm feeling close to burnt out.
My measly little job is potentially turning into something bigger--
--I'm in the running for a promotion!
I know! Please, hold your applause!
So, between all of that, my mind has been on a million and three other things. Crappy excuse, I know, but I'm intending on this post to be a long compilation of what I have slacked on for 11+ days. Bear with me. This could be a bumpy ride.
First on the agenda is The Storyteller.
Admittedly, I didn't finish it. Trust me, I wanted to. I tried for weeks and wEEks to work through that thing and I just. could. not. Anthropology is most definitely not one of my interests and no matter what I did, I couldn't get through the second half. I tried reading a little everyday, I tried withholding social media and giving myself Facebook privileges if I read, I even tried rewarding myself with beer. Ultimately, I stared at the page until I fell asleep, almost every time. (The roommate found me at the kitchen table once, sawing logs, nose literally in book.) My apologies, Dr. Sexton. I did my best, promise!
Agenda Item Two: Air Quotes.
This was fun. Reeeeal fun.
A few of my close friends and I made dinner last Saturday night. About half of the attending group of nine identify as homosexual, the rest of us as heterosexual. The thing I love the most about my friends is 1) they are very accepting of one another, under any circumstance, and 2) they all have incredible senses of humor. There were plenty of stereotypical gay jokes, as well has hetero- jokes, flying around, all said in good fun. I had kind of forgotten about the air quote assignment until well into the evening, after we had killed a couple bottles of wine, but once remembered, I began air quoting words at random:
"gay" "heterosexual" "drag" "joking" "manly" "queen"
The list is much longer, but my memory is failing me now. Some of the jesters played along without realizing it, adding phrases following my air quotes.

"If you know what I mean."
It was perfect.
Thirdly, Cougars.
I've referred to my notes, because I sometimes do take my own and occasionally enjoying reliving my own account of our experiences in class. (Also, I jot down blog ideas. Why? Not sure. I apparently have a hard time writing blogs anyway.)
The last notes I took must have been from before our Displaced Myth presentations.
Under "22 Points of Mythological Heroes," I wrote:
(I spelt governor wrong!)
I'm not totally sure why I wrote this or what we could've been discussing during class that made me think of this. BUT. Have you seen this show? Its on A&E and it is shocking. S-H-O-C-K-I-N-G.
In the photo below, the Governor's actual wedded wife stands on your right, her two step daughters on the left.
That concludes my blog-o-thon. Or blog-a-thon. Whichever.
This has been fun, recapping some of my thoughts that I should have been writing about for the last fourhundredmillion days.
But there's more homework to be done, and a presentation to prep for tomorrow.
I brewed a pot of coffee about 30 minutes ago. Its still hot, and damn. Its strong.