Monday, October 7, 2013

Just Look At That Face!

Two weekends ago--I really had to think about that. Seems like much longer--I took my most favorite six year old to ice cream. It had been a while since we had time for just us; usually his little sister tagged along to our outings. But that day was solely for him and pseudo Auntie. He told me about school: he has a boy teacher, Mr. D was really funny, and that he knew what anarchy meant. Man, was I impressed! We got to chatting about the playground and friends. My little buddy told me about another kid that makes up stories all the time and, "Sometimes he gets in trouble Auntie Whit. So I always tell the truth."

Yeah, that will change.

When he was finished telling me all these great things happening in his small world, I asked him if he had learned about Native Americans in school yet. "A little," was his response. "Will you tell me more?" Ah! I couldn't have asked for a better opener! I started to explain that they were a group of people on this continent before the settlers moved in and began...
                           I was cut off. My little friend wanted to talk about something else.
"Wait!" I said. "Let me tell you one of their stories."

After I finished my creation story, we talked about how it differed from 'God's Story' (meaning Genesis 1) and what the scientists say. It was a very enlightening conversation, being reminded of this world from the perspective of a child.

Before I wanted to, it was time to take the little guy home.

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